Iz knjige “Ko je ko stvarno u Srbiji” (Knjiga-komerc, Beograd, 2002) od Isidore Bjelice. Branko je u poglavlju «Vertikalni Beograd» u kojem su još, Kosta Bunuševac, Gile-orgazam, Debeli(reditelj nove generacije), Idoli, Vlaja Jovanovic, Koja, Oliver, Konceptualci(Marina, Neša, Yoran Popovic i Era), N. Pajkic, Marko Pešic, Moma Rajin, Srba Travanov, Radovan Hiršl, Partibrejkersi, Ljubomir Šimunic.
Jedinice su, u tom poglavlju, kocipirane tako da se svaka licnost definiše u vertikali i horizontali.

Horizontala – B. Vukojevic je uredjivao Džuboks u vreme kada je ovaj list jedini u Srbiji podržavao nju vejv. Zatim je postao apsolvent dramaturgije i pisao scenario za prvu pricu u kultnom filmu «Kako je propao rokenrol». Zatim je(nakon diplomskog scenarija Video jela – zelen bor- režirao ga je Goran Gajic) otišao u London i tamo se sa Kojom konsultuje o zbivanjima po Srbiji. Dok ga je mucila nostalgija ili politika, nocu na Džeku Denijelsu, izmedju tri i cetiri, pozivao prijatelje radi konsultacija, posle proredio...

Vertikala - Branko je za Beograd bio istovremeno i Rolingston i Enemi i Plejboj i Hastler i Veniti Fear, znao je više o rokenrolu nego što je Peca Popovic mogao i da sanja. Izbacio gluperdu Peru Lukovica iz redakcije zbog nepismenosti i idiotizma. I mnoge druge. Imao najuredniju listu s kim u Beogradu ne treba kontaktirati. Pošto se horizontalna lista proširila otišao u London. Ti horizontalci sada vladaju Beogradom i šatro žale zbog emigrirane inteligencije.


1956 - 2003

Branko’s Entry from the “Who’s really who in Serbia” (Knjiga-komerc, Belgrade, 2002) by Ms. Isidora Bjelica a talented and very provocative Serbian writer. The idea of the book was to present the most influential, powerful, notorious or simply well-known people in Serbia who really mattered and as they really are. Isidora used a concept of “horizontals” and “verticals” to indicate the two different planes through which people of note affect their environment. Branko’s dominant plane, Isidora felt, was the vertical one. Other “vertical” Serbs include: Kosta Bunuševac (painter), Gile (rock musician), Debeli(film director), Idoli (band), Vlaja Jovanovic (pop artist), Koja (rock musician), Marina Abramovic (conceptual artist of world renown), N. Pajkic (screenwriter), Marko Pešic (musician and conceptual artist), Moma Rajin (journalist) etc.

Horizontal: Branko Vukojevic was the Editor of Dzuboks at the time when this was the only Serbian magazine to have supported the New Wave. He then became a graduate student of Dramaturgy at the Belgrade Drama School and wrote the script for the first story in “The Fall of Rock and Roll”. Then, having completed his diploma thesis with the TV film “Dear Video”, directed by Goran Gajic, he went to London where he consulted with Koja (a prodigiously talented bass player with several key Serbian bands, now fronting his own drum-and-bass trio Disciplin a Kitschme – see www.disciplinakitschme.com) on events across Serbia. Tortured by nostalgia or politics, with Jack Daniels to kill the night, he would call his friends at three or four o’clock in the morning. This then faded out.

Vertical: Single-handedly, Branko was Belgrade’s The Rolling Stone, N.M.E, Playboy, Hustler and Vanity Fair. He knew more about Rock and Roll than Peca Popovic (a previous generation rock critic, took Branko into Dzuboks, still active in journalism) could even dream of. He kicked out the pratt Pera Lukovic (another previous generation rock critic, still active in journalism) for illiteracy and pure stupidity. And many others. Branko had the most accurate list of who not to be seen with in Belgrade. Since the list of horizontals grew, left Belgrade for London. The horizontals now rule Belgrade and kind of feel sorry for the intelligentsia émigrés.


Translation and comments in italics by Predrag Popovic